After meandering northwards into Normandy we headed for the Cathedral Square of Coutance for a welcome cup of tea and " must have " cake at a lovely little Salon de The.
Coutance is a lovely city and we have in the past had lunch in the restaurant opposite the Cathedral on a couple of occasions when Lizzie and I have been there , it is a favourite of ours and there are one or two places we visit in the area, the last time we were there we visited Les Halles and enjoyed the decor shops , it is quite a smart place and well worth a visit.
Hotel des Isles
This is our favourite little Hotel on the coast, it looks right out to sea to Jersey, we always book one of the rooms in the roof where the views are amazing and you are rocked to sleep by the sound of the sea, which is really loud as it is so close . The owners are also decorators and have a shop in Barneville-Carteret so the decor in their two Hotels reflect this and are stunningly simple.