Tick and I dashed home after the Troc/Puce we had been to at Laval and found loads of goodies, Richard and Angie had just arrived to give " the girls " a manicure. In the past they have not been very cooperative about this beauty care , however with plenty of bribes from Angie at the head Richard was remarkably deft and speedy and we were all soon sitting down to a "full English" round the kitchen table
This is Chewy he is delightful a corgi collie cross with the best combination of both, looking unusually sheepish about having his picture taken when on duty!
you all know by now that I love chickens ! Nick and Ticky have expanded their flock and because Ticky could not make her mind up they had two of each. I love the speckled ones !! I adore the noises they make when you feed them, the original four have sorted out the pecking order (sorry could not resist that one !) and peace reigns however they are a bit young , so a lot of chickens and no eggs yet.
Fairs update......
1 week ago
Chewy is a very, very handsome chap!
ReplyDeleteyes and as good as gold too